Reply To: Animal welfare

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Hi Ana, thank you so much for the infomation and your tips, we find them very helpful.

Here in Spain the Animal Welfare Law has undergone significant changes in recent years, culminating in the approval of a new regulation in 2023. The main objective of this law is to improve the protection and welfare of animals, legally recognizing them as sentient beings and establishing stricter measures against mistreatment and abandonment.

Main changes and novelties of the law are the folowwing:
– Legal recognition of animals as sentient beings: Animals are no longer considered objects or things and are recognized as beings capable of feeling, which implies greater legal protection and responsibility on the part of owners.
– Regulation of the breeding and sale of animals: The sale of dogs, cats and ferrets in pet stores is prohibited, promoting adoption from shelters and animal shelters. In addition, breeding may only be carried out by registered breeders and under strict welfare conditions.
– Mandatory training for dog owners: A mandatory training course is introduced to ensure responsible and appropriate pet ownership.
– Prohibition of the euthanasia of healthy animals: The euthanasia of animals for economic reasons or for reasons of space in shelters and kennels is prohibited, being allowed only for health or behavioral reasons that represent a risk.
– Stiffer penalties for abuse and neglect: Fines are increased and harsher penalties are established for those who commit acts of cruelty or neglect, including possible imprisonment in serious cases.

Even so, we still have important struggles pending. Bullfighting is still legal. There are many movements of organizations, associations and certain political parties demanding the total prohibition of this practice, but for now it does not seem that it will become a reality. A large part of the population, as well as right-wing and ultra-right parties defend bullfighting as something cultural and traditional that must be defended. For animal lovers and defenders it is a deep shame that this continues to be the case.

We also have problems regarding the welfare of farm animals, as many of them are still in terrible conditions and are treated only as means of production to fulfill economic interests and not as living beings with feelings. We seek to improve the living conditions of animals destined for food production, promoting more ethical and sustainable farming systems.

There are still many things to change, that is why we believe it is very important to create spaces for debate and learning.