Factory Farming

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  • #2432 Reply
    Selma Dülger

    It was very stimulating for our students to think about the dilemma of whether to produce more meat for the rapidly increasing need for food today or to feed animals in healthier environments and to discuss their views on the subject.

    #2445 Reply
    Linda Cotugno

    I found this topic very interesting too. Teenagers usually don’t pay attention to what they are eating and where it come from. It was a good opportunuty to let them think about the comsumption of meat, animal feeding and healthier environment for them.

    #2486 Reply
    Rebecca Venuto

    Yesterday was an exciting day for me: by cleaning the port of Riposto, we helped reduce pollution and improve the environment in our city. It feels great to know that a small action can make a big difference for both nature and the community.

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